Towering 8 ft 3 inch Artificial "Spectacular" Tree (White, Pink, Autumn and Acer)


Here it is, the crème de la crème, the pièce de résistance, the tree to top all trees!

Towering over everything at 8 feet 3 inches (2.7 metres) is the artificial blossom tree with stunningly realistic branches in a variety of colours to suit any theme.

Wherever you decide to place these trees, they’ll stop everyone with their sheer presence and incredible colours. They shout and scream “Instagram me!” and the only issue you’ll have is how far back you’ll need to stand to get them in the frame of the photograph!

Check that your venue space has the ceiling height to accommodate this tree, because at 8’ 3” it will touch the ceiling of many venue rooms or simply not fit!

Such is the stature of this tree that it has a metal trunk that is covered with fibre-glass and then painted to achieve the most realistic of aesthetics. The tree comes without a container but we can advise on suitability, because it is supplied with just the exposed base due to the sheer size and weight of the tree (ideally it needs a 60 cm tall container that is 60 cm in width).

In many respects, the tree speaks for itself. However, we think the only problem you’ll have is choosing between the 4 colour options we offer!

Acer: Bright red and astonishingly real looking, if you’re looking for an autumnal, late summer or warm seasonal theme statement piece, look no further.

Autumn Leaf: A head-turner of champion qualities, the mix and tones of the autumnal shades on the leaves allows you to create an atmosphere that exudes glowing warmth.

Pink: The loving pink leaves on this cherry blossom version is inspirational in the way it coveys a mood of soaring glee. Wherever this tree is, the room is a happy one.

White: Cherry blossom of the whitest variety, promoting the feeling of joy, love, a bright beginning and marriage. It represents a sky-high statement of “Our wedding day”.

Important: Please note that, when ordering this tree, there are some delivery restrictions due to the access/height of the product, but we can usually overcome these with prior discussion and ensuring you have obtained the relevant assurances from your chosen venue.

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Price inc. VAT. You can hire this product online now and pay just 20% deposit!

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